Lime Wood & Home Grown Hotels
Evaluate the sales telephony offering against the current and future business requirements and benchmark versus other vendors from a functional & commercial perspective. Using EriangC methodology determine the agents required to meet the service levels and desired customer experience. Undertake competitive benchmarking on voice handling and develop call flow handling recommendations. Review current IT provider as ‘fit for purpose’.
We undertook a full evaluation of the telephony system to understand the true ‘lost call’ rate across central and property voice. Modelled the data and provided a set of options for consideration. Dove tailed the IT audit to offer an ultimate solution that enabled the business to remove the latency of the PMS and improve customer engagement both through voice and on-property.
“We recently had a requirement to review the way in which we managed our telephone sales at the hotels to ensure we maintained a service level that delighted our customers. In addition we wanted to take the opportunity to undertake an audit of our IT infrastructure to ensure we were ‘best in class’ and both scalable & flexible to meet the future needs of our business. RaspberrySky quickly applied specialist resources to undertake a full review of our operation from a technical and voice perspective and provide us opportunities for improvement, along with a clear roadmap for implementation. We have already implemented many of the recommendations and already are seeing tangible improvements in customer engagement and efficiencies – ultimately leading to increased revenue – a VERY positive result!”
David Elton, Director, Lime Wood Group Limited and Home Grown Hotels Ltd